
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So, here we are 12:30 A.M. I probably should go to sleep because I have another long day of VBS tomorrow evening, but just wanted to let my people know what God put on my heart today. 

It all started this morning when our Music Minister started out the church service with three widely known “children songs” it was even titled “Children Medley.” Now why? Why do we call it “Children Music”? Like yea, sure it might be so simple and easy to understand,  but isn’t the Gospel? Like God said to come to Him like children. Let the children come to Him. 

So, we were sitting there jammin’ to this Little Light of Mine, Down in My Heart, and The B-I-B-L-E. Why? What in the world could God show me in these songs that I didn’t know? What could He remind me of that I could need at this moment? 

The Gospel. It’s so simple. We are messed up, broken, and hurting human beings. We are hiding our light under a bush. We try to believe what Satan tells us. 


BUT God. 


Isn’t that the two most beautiful words in the whole English language. Like, But God. Yea, we are messed up. We are dirty. We are disgusting people. You know like a kid who can’t keep from spilling their food on their clothes, stay out of the mud for once in their lives, or the kids who try to stick anything in their mouths that they can get a hold of. We are dirty, “But God.” He loved us. Even me. He loved you. He died for us. But not just us. Like not us as a whole. Like for each and every one of us. Like He died for me. He died for you. He died for your brother. Your sister. Your mom. Your dad. Like 7 inch nails in His wrists and feet. Like more painful than most of us will ever imagine. Not for us but for you. He did it because He loves you. He did it so you can experience Joy and the Love of God. 

It’s so simple its not hard to see. God loves us, broken, battered, hurting people. He came to save us. And take us to be with Him. Just like that kiddo who fell while you walk him to rec and trips. Skins their knee and gets off the trail. He picks us up carries us on His shoulders and takes us to be closer to Him. 


I know that I talk about her a lot, but my best friend was the best example I’ve ever had of being a CHILD of God. She would do anything to show these beautiful children God’s love. Even to the point of me being embarrassed for her. Like legit this lady she would take me with her to help pass out lunches at the school for the summer food program. And this crazy, beautiful, loving lady would dress up as… now get this… a ghost buster… but did she call herself a ghost buster?? No sir, she didn’t. She was, for the day, effectively Lori Dockrey, the Hunger Buster (DQ I tried to warn her that she would get Copyrighted, so please be forgiving). Now, what kind of human being would ever imagine dressing up as a “Hunger Buster” to make children happy and laugh, even if just for a minute? A CHILD of God. A lady, who came to God as a Child and said “here I am, God use me.” 


Now, don’t think I didnt ask her what she was doing. I asked her, “Now, Lori Dockrey, how do you not get embarrassed? Like you do the silliest of things for these kiddos.” And her answer was it. Like nothing else to it. “I want to be the Love of God to these kids, even if I have to act a little silly. I’m not embarrassed at all.” She was a Child of God. I was always embarrassed for her because some of the crazy stuff she would do, but I see. I am beginning to understand. 


I am a Child of God. Like I don’t want to grow up. I want to be God’s child forever. I want to say that long prayer thanking God for everything from my Mom and Dad to the toy cars I have at home. Like Children are so innocent prayers. They thank God for everything, and understand more than some adults who they are talking to.


Today… Today I got a glimpse. I was all out. I yelled so much I lost my voice. Trying to pump up the kids. We cheered them on. We didn’t care about points, we cared about teaching them the Joy that God gives. Teaching them the Love God gives. Man we acted crazy. We don’t have Bible studies, missions to talk about, or Music to teach them. But we have Love, Compassion, and Joy. God showed us Compassion by coming to save us because He knew we couldn’t do it ourselves. He showed us Love by being willing to die for us. And because of His GREAT sacrifice we can live in the Joy that He brings. 


So, go. Dance your heart out. Cheer until there’s nothing left. Love with every ounce of your heart. Pray extraordinarily long prayers for everything. Talk to the God, who created you. Sit there for hours and talk to Him. He loves you. He loves His CHILDREN. Stop worrying. Be a Child of God. Let Him hold you in His arms. Let Him lead you to His will. Let Him lead and you follow. 

Give all you have got. And don’t stop till you drop. Because your God and Savior never gave up on you. 

One response to “Like A Child!”

  1. Braden, I love your child like faith and the fact you want to approach life as a child. Your zest, your enthusiasm for life and for the Lord is so refreshing! He teaches us when we are childlike. Bet you were a hit at VBS!